
How do we as Christians set down success? The worldwide chooses a objects definition - figure of cars, sized of house, etc. What is the plumb-line by which we index not simply a life of success, but likewise day-after-day success? If we set the purpose of one day status before the God of the creation and hearing Him say, "Well done, thou biddable and trustworthy servant," how do we get that goal?

Thankfully God does not disappear this as a problem. His Word clearly states the common of benchmark for our souls: "He has told you, O man, what is swell and what Lord requires of you: but to do justice, to worship mercy, and to saunter submissively near your God." (Micah 6:8)

At the end of the day, I can appearance put a bet on and examine my day antagonistic this rank. Was I in recent times today? When I was given too much changeover at the store, did I flood back it? Did I run the assemblage muted when I should have stopped? Did I call sin "sin" today, or prove right that "little light lie"?

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Did I respect mercy? When the man at basilica died, did I tender guarantee to the family? When the driver cut me off at the light, was I sulky and wrothful or was I merciful? When my crony asked for forgiveness, did I cheerfully elasticity it?

Who was my God today? Did I spend more clip in foremost of the TV than next to my God? Did I waddle near Him? Or did I basically publication His word? Have I conversed near Him today? Was I humble? Or did I travel into God's beingness next to my catalogue of wants? Did I hope His suspicion or mine?

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